Optimizing Farm Movement with Cynthia Flores

2023-10-30T11:07:52-04:00October 30th, 2023||

Understand better body mechanics and movement patterns in order to increase productivity and help decrease on-farm injuries. Time will be spent in an interactive atmosphere moving through four basic movement patterns: hinge, squat, push and pull, along with the importance of core stability. Each participant will leave with tips focused on ways to improve their overall movement patterns and work-related well-being.

Building Community-Driven Gardens: Tapley Court Apartments Project Reflection

2023-10-18T15:45:18-04:00October 18th, 2023||

Housing developments, libraries and similar locations provide vacant land for community gardens. This webinar will share the journey of the Tapley Garden and review the key ingredients to soil health development, food access, and youth leadership.

Revelando a los Jardineros Ocultos: Aprovechando las Asociaciones Microbianas para Suelos Florecientes – se ha cancelado

2023-10-24T13:06:59-04:00September 19th, 2023|, , , |

A bilingual event. Únete a nosotros en un viaje inmersivo hacia el mundo intrincado bajo nuestros pies, un reino de microorganismos que poseen las claves para la vitalidad del suelo y la salud de las plantas. En este cautivador taller, nos sumergiremos profundamente en el fascinante mundo de las asociaciones microbianas que impulsan nuestros ecosistemas.

Unveiling the Hidden Gardeners: Harnessing Microbial Partners for Thriving Soils – cancelled

2023-10-24T13:10:55-04:00September 19th, 2023|, , , |

Join us for an immersive, bilingual journey into the intricate world beneath our feet – a realm of microorganisms that hold the keys to soil vitality and plant health. In this captivating workshop, we'll delve deep into the captivating realm of microbial partnerships that power our ecosystems.

Soil Health Field Walk at Atlas Farm: Tillage-Reduced Cover Cropping and Planting Methods for Brassicas

2023-09-18T22:26:53-04:00September 18th, 2023|, , |

Join Gideon Porth of Atlas Farm and Julie Fine of American Farmland Trust for a field walk exploring an innovative approach to tillage reduction for organic vegetables. Gideon will showcase the initial results of a trial utilizing multiple cover crops, including oats and peas, followed by buckwheat, to prepare for no-till transplanting fall kale.  This strategy reduces tractor passes by 75% and requires no tillage during the cropping season.  Gideon will share the background of the trials, the equipment, and the operations involved, and participants will be able to compare each treatment with its standard tillage control.

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