Building Community-Driven Gardens: Tapley Court Apartments Project Reflection

2023-10-18T15:45:18-04:00October 18th, 2023||

Housing developments, libraries and similar locations provide vacant land for community gardens. This webinar will share the journey of the Tapley Garden and review the key ingredients to soil health development, food access, and youth leadership.

Avoid Compaction: Plant Garlic Into Your Cover Crop!

2023-08-17T15:37:34-04:00August 3rd, 2023|, , |

Are you looking to optimize your on-farm cover cropping systems and identify opportunities to decrease the compaction of your soil? Planting garlic or a variety of other foods into your cover crop is a great way to optimize your fields, decrease the compaction levels of your soil, and increase the nutrient availability.

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