Building Community-Driven Gardens: Tapley Court Apartments Project Reflection

2023-10-18T15:45:18-04:00October 18th, 2023||

Housing developments, libraries and similar locations provide vacant land for community gardens. This webinar will share the journey of the Tapley Garden and review the key ingredients to soil health development, food access, and youth leadership.

Soil Health Bi-Monthly Community Call

2023-09-14T12:55:27-04:00September 14th, 2023|, , , |

We are excited to invite you to our bimonthly Soil Health Calls! These calls are designed to provide a platform for farmers, researchers, and experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on soil health.  Our aim is to create a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about improving soil health. Our calls will cover a range of topics related to soil health, including soil biology, organic matter, nutrient management, and any topic of relevance to the NOFA community and beyond. We will also have guest speakers who will share their expertise and insights on the latest developments in the field.

Rich and Healthy: No-till for Successful Farms and Gardens – sold out

2023-10-17T14:47:39-04:00August 30th, 2023|, , |

If you a farmer or experienced gardener seeking to start, transition to, or advance no-till methods this inspiring day is for you! Simple tools and no-till techniques build healthy soil, reduce labor and cost inputs, promote climate resilience, and increase your connection to the land.

Soil Health Bi-Monthly Community Call

2023-09-14T12:52:52-04:00August 22nd, 2023|, , , |

We are excited to invite you to our bimonthly Soil Health Calls! These calls are designed to provide a platform for farmers, researchers, and experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on soil health.  Our aim is to create a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about improving soil health. Our calls will cover a range of topics related to soil health, including soil biology, organic matter, nutrient management, and any topic of relevance to the NOFA community and beyond. We will also have guest speakers who will share their expertise and insights on the latest developments in the field.

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