Suelos Saludables con Composta de Hongos

2023-09-26T15:56:19-04:00September 18th, 2023|, , , , |

Únase a nosotres en este viaje a lo más profundo del mundo del compost y el sustrato de las setas. A lo largo de esta jornada, exploraremos el mundo vivo del suelo y el micelio para aprender a integrar el sustrato usado para cultivar setas en sistemas de compostaje casero y/o de pequeña escala. Aprenderá sobre las prácticas de siembra directa, crecimiento, composta, mantillo y recolección de Woven Farms y sobre cómo incorporar el sustrato de setas en su agricultura.

Harvesting Beauty and Flavor: Expert Tips for Cultivating Delicious Edible Landscapes: An Interview with Dani Baker

2023-08-17T18:37:03-04:00August 17th, 2023|Newsletters|

  By: Paul Figueroa, Communications Director at NOFA/Mass   Author [...]

Food Pandemic Stories Series – Community Stories Workshop

2023-08-22T19:40:14-04:00August 17th, 2023|, |

Stories are all around us and we each have one (or many!). Stories are powerful - they help us connect, learn, and imagine new possibilities for our communities and our lives. The Hampshire County Food Policy Council invites you to share a story about your food experiences during the pandemic! Stories will be recorded and stored in a Community Story Archive. 

Food Pandemic Stories Series – Virtual Orientation

2023-08-17T17:52:31-04:00August 17th, 2023|, |

Stories are all around us and we each have one (or many!). Stories are powerful - they help us connect, learn, and imagine new possibilities for our communities and our lives. The Hampshire County Food Policy Council invites you to share a story about your food experiences during the pandemic! Stories will be recorded and stored in a Community Story Archive. 

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