By Anna Gilbert-Muhammad, NOFA/Mass Webinar Coordinator

Inspiring Ideas from Experts in The Field is entering its 4th season.  This year, the education menu for our viewers continues to grow and bring new presenters and exciting topics.  This year NOFA/Mass will focus on pollinators, the connection between healthy food and healthy bodies, and the repair of damaged soils in urban settings.  Here are some of our spring webinar offerings:

January 28, 2020 – (recorded and available to watch here) – Farming for Biodiversity: Designing Pollination Systems to Sustain Native Wildlife with Evan Abramson.

In this webinar we explore the critical role of plant selection in designing and planning for pollinators. We break down the science behind crop as well as native plant pollination, explore the crucial role that native pollinators play in food security, ecosystem health and climate resiliency, and take a deep dive into farmscape design for native pollinators.

Other webinars that will be available for registration soon:

March 31, 2020 – Newark Community Food System with Tobias Fox

This webinar features one of our sister NOFA-NJ’s member organizations and their work in the Newark, New Jersey area. By bringing together a network of Newark-based growers in New Jersey the Newark Community Food System (NCFS), an innovative collective of local urban agriculture experts, supports the growth of the local food system, amplifies community-led initiatives, and develops sustainability around urban agriculture and fresh healthy food access. It is necessary to demonstrate how urban agriculture is essential for community development and health. NCFS takes actionable steps to empower residents to become actively involved in reshaping their food system, while gaining control of their health and environment.  Check our webinar page for registration details coming soon.

April 28, 2020 – Grazing for Health: Creating Nutrient Dense Dairy Foods from Soil to Milk with Jordan Schmidt and Sarah Chase

These days plant-based meat and dairy substitutes are being heralded as the answer to our climate and healthcare crises.  But does this tell the whole story? Join nutritionist Jordan Schmidt and Sarah Chase, owner and manager of Chaseholm Farm, for a conversation about regenerative livestock farming and its potential to enhance both ecosystem function and human health. Using their work at Chaseholm Farm as their frame; Jordan and Sarah will guide webinar participants on a journey from soil to milk, highlighting their practices, the changes they’ve seen on the land and the challenges they face.  This webinar is for those interested inregenerative agriculture, human nutrition, and how they are connected.  Check our webinar page for registration details coming soon.

NOFA/Mass keeps a library of previous webinars that continue to provide organic farming, nutrition and gardening information on our YouTube channel.  View and subscribe to our webinar playlist to see these sessions and more:

  1. Managing Your Soil as if the Earth Mattered with Jim Schultz
  2. Right Animal, Right Place, Right Time with Steve Gabriel
  3. Grass Based Livestock Management- How to Manage Pastures to Improve Soil Health and Plant Productivity with Sarah Flack

All webinars, both live and recorded, are FREE.  For more information concerning the webinar visit our website or contact Anna Gilbert-Muhammad, Webinar Coordinator, at 413-214-1237 or