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If you a farmer or experienced gardener seeking to start, transition to, or advance no-till methods this inspiring day is for you!

Simple tools and no-till techniques build healthy soil, reduce labor and cost inputs, promote climate resilience, and increase your connection to the land.


In this experiential, day-long workshop, you’ll learn and practice several no-till techniques:

  • the cardboard method
  • tarping
  • cover crops

Seasoned Seeds of Solidarity farmer Ricky Baruc will engage you in how to, as you experience the abundance on soil built from the ground up at Seeds of Solidarity Farm.

Special guest Rubén Parrilla, Soil Technical Coordinator for NOFA/Mass who is trained in soil microbial identification through the Soil Food Web School will join us to discuss (and view through the microscope!) the impact of no-till, agroecological methods on building healthy, living soil.

Pre-registration required.

Sliding scale $60-$90 *

Space limited, soup and salad lunch included.

Email deb@seedsofsolidarity.org to register.

You will then receive more details.

* Are you a BIPOC or flood-impacted farmer? We offer this workshop to you at full scholarship, just $10 to cover lunch.


  (Photo: Congressman Jim McGovern Farm Tour at Seeds of Solidarity, 2022)