Text: NOFA 2021 Annual Report

A look at our community, impact and initiatives in 2021

A group of about 20 people standing and sitting in a field for a photo

The NOFA/Mass Staff at our annual staff retreat, this time at Greenhill Park in Worcester, MA, October 2021

Director’s Note

2021 started off on a high note for NOFA/Mass, with the Healthy Soils Bill marking a long-awaited policy victory; a stronger than expected Winter Conference; and a banner year for the Bulk Order, all within the first 30 days. Our dedicated staff took this momentum and ran with it, carrying our success throughout the year. When some outstanding staff members resigned, we braced ourselves for hard times. As it turned out, our new team was a perfect fit, and the whole staff is working collaboratively together, expanding our impact and pushing our boundaries for new growth. 

Internal accomplishments: Improving our organizational wellbeing, we created a comprehensive Personnel Handbook, drafted a 5-year Strategic Plan, and initiated a process for accepting stock donations. We also embraced our racial equity work, dismantling racism through time, money, energy, honest conversation, and action.

External accomplishments: New programming in 2021 included launching a state-wide Pollinator Network; building partnerships through our Western Mass Regenerative Food System initiative; expanding our Soil Technical Assistance Services; and offering programming in Spanish for the first time.

Over the coming year, we look forward to building on our new soil tech offerings, expanding our food access work across the state, continuing to nourish our internal growth, weaving racial equity into our work organization-wide, and acting on our goal of growing a healthier Massachusetts.

A woman in a red shirt and scarf

Jocelyn Langer, NOFA/Mass Executive Director

Our Mission

Through education and advocacy NOFA/Mass promotes organic agriculture to expand the production and availability of nutritious food from living soil for the health of individuals, communities and the planet.

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Program Successes

Serving farmers, growers, land stewards, food system activists and their supporters
Text: Education and Services

Education & Services

125 educational workshops offered throughout the year with 4,619 attendees to our virtual events

76 soil tests analyzed and recommendations for improved soil health given

408 Bulk Order customers served

Education & Services

Food Access

2,700 pounds of food grown and distributed by Tapley Court Garden and Open Pantry Garden in Springfield, MA

180 local families involved and/or assisted by our food access program

10 Youth Leaders learning and educating about no-till, organic growing methods

Food Access Program
Text: Policy and Advocacy

Policy & Advocacy

Healthy Soils Bill passed after 3 legislative sessions (5 years) and with the help of 37 coalition partners

5,035 Action Network activists ready to mobilize

MA Pollinator Network established with $20,990 in donor support

Policy Program

Our Community


Increased BIPOC representation to 30% of staff, board, and conference presenters

Implemented a sliding scale for our membership and conference registration, and offered $6,776 in scholarships

Staff participated in a 21-day Racial Equity Challenge and 15 weeks of training and conversations on Dismantling Racism

Text: Audience


988 active members
(including 168 first time members in 2021)

45% Gardeners
25% Farmers
12% Consumers
10% Homesteaders
6% Food Activists
3% Landscapers


15,800 social media followers

180,229 website views

13,718 email subscribers
(78% increase in 2021)

7,214 podcast episode downloads

4,063 YouTube subscribers


Community Testimonials

“As an educator, community activist and matriarch educating and nurturing children in a pandemic world, I felt like I learned and made meaningful connections each day. Most importantly, this knowledge is all about building our resilience and sustainability as we build and transform how this all works.”

-2021 NOFA/Mass Conference Attendee

“I am inspired by the diverse group of young farmers and farm advocates that I meet at NOFA events.”

-2021 NOFA/Mass Member

“The most valuable lessons are from local farmers, to hear directly from them and to be able to ask questions is extremely helpful.”

-2021 NOFA/Mass Educational Event Attendee

“I am inspired by the caliber of the new generation of farmers. There was so much awareness expressed about the different movements emerging that it seems possible to create the connections to dismantle capitalism, establish regenerative practices on an institutional scale, and bring humans into harmony with nature.”

-2021 NOFA/Mass Conference Presenter

Thank you to our 2021 Annual Sponsors

Please note that while NOFA/Mass appreciates the support of all of our funders and fiscal sponsors, recognition of support does not imply endorsement by NOFA/Mass of any establishment, business, practice or ethics associated with the sponsors.