NOFA/Mass Launches Climate Action Challenge for a Second Year

Massachusetts, September 28, 2021: This October, the Northeast Organic Farming Association/Massachusetts Chapter (NOFA/Mass) challenges individuals and communities to examine their individual and collective roles in the climate crisis and to take meaningful action to regenerate our planet. The climate crisis is becoming a more widely recognized threat each day. With weather extremes impacting food crops, wild habitats, and growing conditions, we are at the crucial time in history when widespread education and corrective action is critical.

NOFA/Mass, established in 1982, is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating about and advocating for organic agriculture in and around Massachusetts. The month-long NOFA/Mass Climate Action Challenge was developed in 2020 as a virtual campaign with three goals; educating the public about the intrinsic links between agriculture and climate; advocating for environmentally friendly agricultural practices; and crowdfunding $20,000 to support the organization’s year-round work.

The public is invited to participate in the 2021 Challenge in four ways: educating themselves and their networks through the information that NOFA/Mass shares online throughout the month of October; adjusting daily routines and choices to support a healthy climate; advocating for legislative support for climate-friendly agricultural practices; or donating to NOFA/Mass’s fundraising page.

The educational portion of the campaign will include information on soil health, pollinator protection, and conscious consumerism. Research-based statistics, expert and consumer insights, shareable infographics, and suggestions for ways to take individual and collective action will be shared via social media and digital articles throughout the month. This challenge is suited for nature lovers, locavores, farmers, gardeners, and families of all types who are looking for ways to be a part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Find all of the Challenge information, materials, and ways to donate at Challenge participants are also invited to share their 2021 NOFA/Mass Climate Action Challenge efforts on their own social media platforms using the hashtag #nofamassclimateactionchallenge. With a goal of reaching 100 posts from participants throughout the state, the cumulative effect of a widespread show of support will demonstrate that it’s possible to organize a community effort consisting of individual actions to make a real, measurable impact on a global issue.

NOFA/Mass can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @nofamass.
Press Release NOFA_Mass Climate Action Challenge 2021