Sliding Scale for NOFA/Mass Ed Events

Why does NOFA/Mass have a sliding scale?

NOFA/Mass is dedicated to making our programs accessible to all. As part of our efforts to dismantle systemic injustices, create affirming and supportive community spaces, and consider a variety of financial and social resources, NOFA/Mass offers a sliding scale for our events. Sharing the cost of the program makes our efforts go farther together and strengthens our ability to focus on food systems change. 

Our Sliding Scale Options:

We offer three payment options: Recommended, Reduced and Restorative. Our Recommended option reflects what it takes to cover costs. The Reduced option is for community members who would not be able to attend events without an affordable option, while the Restorative option covers costs and supports greater event access.

Finding yourself on the sliding scale

Consider paying lower on the scale if you:

  • Have significant debt, medical expenses, or educational expenses
  • Are supporting children or other dependents
  • Have immigration-related expenses
  • Have low or inconsistent income

Consider paying higher on the scale if you:

  • Own your home, have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money
  • Travel recreationally, work part-time by choice, have access to family money and resources
  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender or racial privilege, and/or class background, even if you are not currently exercising your earning power

Apply here for a full scholarship to a NOFA/Mass Education Event

Contact with questions

Sliding Scale Guidelines are inspired by, and borrowed from Woven Roots Farm, Tyringham, MA and Rock Steady Farm, Millerton, NY. Thank you!

*This specific sliding scale policy applies to events hosted by NOFA/Mass only, and does not apply to community events.